This Friday, Brock Turner, the so-call "Stanford Swimmer" rapist will exercise his white male privilege by being released from prison, after serving just 3 months on his appallingly light 6-month sentence. While Judge Persky, the judicial enabler who allowed this injustice to occur, will no longer be presiding over such cases, there is clearly still a need to shine a spotlight on rape culture. Blaise Dahl's MTV "Look Different" interviews (from #GRLCVLT's FVCK RAPE CULTURE event at Baby's All Right) with Law Professor Michele Dauber (from Recall Aaron Persky), and artist/activists Amber Tamblyn, Rose McGowan, and Kiran Gandhi a/k/a Madame Ghandi will be up later this week. "So proud to have spent time with these amazing, inspiring women who are fighting to change the world for women everywhere," said Dahl, "you won't want to miss what they have to say!"